Differences Free Domain With Free Hosting

After we talked about what a difference a pay hosting free hosting with both advantages and disadvantages of both, so this time we will continue discussing the differences free domain with free hosting.  
In general, the difference in the two almost equal to the difference between free hosting and pay the hosting, if not associated with its function. Here the difference of both views of the advantages and disadvantages of free domain and pay a domain: 

1. As with free domain, we get it for free.

2. We can get it quickly after registering on the provider's free web domain. Unlike the case with pay-hosting where to get it we must make a payment and then confirm.

1. Minimal assistance if experienced interference. Even so there is usually a response from the provider is quite long, but if not immediately corrected, will greatly affect our website, both in terms of brand and in terms of profit, if we utilize the website for the business.
2. Do not get insurance or guarantees if an interruption occurs so that we experience loss.
3. Difficult terlisting on search engines like google and yahoo, because the possibility is considered as SPAM.
4. The domain name looks less good because it contains the word or letter from the provider attached to that domain. For example, we get a free domain provider "tuan.net", then they will give our domain name as: www.websitegue.tuan.net. And our hope is actually a www.websitegua.net. This also causes the domain name becomes longer and harder to remember.
5. There is an assumption that the domains that we get is not a primary domain, but provider is a subdomain of the free domain, so feared the opening of our website visitors are not counted / recorded as a visitor of our website, but web visitors that provider.
6. Sometimes a website visitor doubt our credibility, especially if we use the website to business. Certainly that appears is the doubts and fears of visitors and assume we are not serious because they do not want to spend the cost of capital to buy the domain only.

1. We can get the domain name you want without frills disertain provider name, provided that the domain name we want to buy are not already registered the internet (not yet used by others).
2. We may choose the type of domain that we want, be it. Com,. Net,. Ac.id, and others. Regarding the types of this domain and domain prices will be discussed at the next posting.
3. We can get help quickly and precisely from the domain provider when we are susceptible to interference.
4. Domain that we buy is a main domain, not subdomain of the domain of pay providers.
5. Visitors will be more confident with our credibility as the owner of a website that serious.
6. It will not happen unilaterally domain deletion from the provider before the user runs out. Even if already discharged, we will be given a deadline to extend the use of the domain name.

1. Currently the price of a domain for some people is still relatively expensive, especially for specific domain types, for example. Com,. Co.id, and others.
2. Can not immediately use it after registering the domain. So definitely we have to pay first and then mengaktivasi.he3x