Websites can I suppose that as a house where the house itself was built at a place and have an address. The goods belong to us would be stored in the house. Also, if others want to visit our house then you need to know by that person is our home address for example Jl. Rose Thorns No. 21. Without the house we certainly can not store things for us, and without any address other people certainly can not visit our house.

Like the house, we build web also need a place to store its pages and files that are used in our website. In the Internet world, storing the files of our website called HOSTING. So hosting is the storage site files into the Internet network (internetwork) in which the storage itself is provided by an ISP (Internet Server Provider) or commonly referred to as the webserver. With the storage of our website into the internet of course people will be able to visit our website from places that can access the Internet and at any time because it is stored online on the internet.
In order for our site to be visited, the website should have addresses that can be known by others. Website address is called the DOMAIN. They are usually written with the prefix http://www or www. For example HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is itself a rule or standard that is used to make a connection between the devices accessed the Internet in order to call the WWW pages (word wide web) or simply known as internet pages.
Actually, the domain is used to allow people in the relationship on the targeted tissue where the website that you want to see saved. Because basically, that there is an IP address (Internet Protocol Address) which is a row of binary numbers used as identification of a computer on the Internet. Of course very difficult if you have to remember the row of these figures, especially if you have visited many websites. Thus a domain is used as an alternative to a row of these figures. We can choose several types of domains. There are those ending in. Com,.,. Org,., etc., depending on our needs. For example, for commercial institutions in general ends in. Com or. (in Indonesia). For educational institutions use., and for organizations typically use. Org.
Then, how it is with URLs? What the hell was that? URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a specific format that indicates the address of a source be it a file or document that has been stored on the Internet. Domain itself can be called as a URL of our website as a whole. However, I myself thought that the URL indicates a more specific address of each source or document that is on the internet or in other words, the URL is the address where a document or file stored. So that it can be concluded that each source is stored on the internet has a different URL. As I demonstrated in my previous post an example of a URL is URL is an address of a file named fotoku.jpg.
How to get website hosting and domain? In the Internet world many providers (webserver), which provides a hosting service or a free or paid domain. For hosting the domain or pay the price also varies depending on the services provided and the capacity and long usage (can be extended). FREE DOMAIN whereas normally his provider will insert a link or advertisement into our website or domain that we get usually contain words or providernya address. Domains that I demonstrated above is a free domain with providers in Both DOMAIN FREE HOSTING FREE and there are advantages and disadvantages of each. To know the difference paid hosting and free hosting and free domain and domain differences paid please open the reader here.
Hmm, I think readers who may still be new to the website has been little understood meaning of those terms. If you do not understand or are still confused please do not hesitate to ask questions or discuss with me. However, this post is just to give a general description of the terms that will arise as long as we learn on this blog website. Our next focus is how to make a website including a blog or CMS. Duh, of the first writers often mention the term CMS. What the hell was that? Calm down, we definitely will mebahas it, but it's good we learn gradually. And I will prepare the successive steps so that it easier to study. However, if the reader was confused or feel the steps are not sequential, then the advice reader is desirable. Because in the marketing world one of which must be considered is the Voice of Customer (VOC )..:)